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2019 Inaugural OnCore Cup, It’s A Wrap  

Wow, what an event!‌ Thank you to all who came out for our first ever OnCore Cup at Seneca Hickory Stick Golf Club. Team USA vs Team Canada, Ryder Cup style format, with Canada prevailing in a down to a wire epic fashion.                         […]

Wow, what an event!‌ Thank you to all who came out for our first ever OnCore Cup at Seneca Hickory Stick Golf Club. Team USA vs Team Canada, Ryder Cup style format, with Canada prevailing in a down to a wire epic fashion.

                                              Team Canada Prevails 

The day included lots of “fun” weather because apparently golf is not hard enough on its own. We had downpours, wind, and cool air followed by sunshine, and this cycle was stuck on repeat for the entire round. Coming down the 18th hole, Team Canada had a 4 point lead, the final group was greeted by eager team members from both sides cheering them on. The final US group ended up 3 points to 1, but it was not enough to swing the tides and Canada ultimately prevailed 15 to 13.

Team USA

Special thanks to our team captains Brian McGahey (USA) and Jason Helman (Canada). 


Team OnCore

Steve Coulton, Co-Founder 



Check out OnCore’s Award Winning Golf Balls:
One of the best golf balls on the market, taking Gold in the 2019 Golf Digest Hot List, and the most advanced golf ball to date.
OnCore’s award winning, super soft, low compression (55) distance golf ball. Featuring low spin rates off the driver for long and accurate tee shots.

About OnCore Golf

Team OnCore is committed to providing customers with the best golf balls in the game. You Just Became a Better Golfer.